Social Policy and Human Rights Practices

Social Performance

The Company undertakes social responsibility projects and activities

The Company undertakes social responsibility projects and activities to create shared values between the Company and the community. In 2021, we have organized social responsibility activities by utilizing service potential to help society with the following projects:

Project of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccination Service Center

The Covid-19 outbreak in the past few years has greatly affected the way of life and economy of the people in the country. Government officials, including doctors and nurses, must work hard to reduce the number of infections and deaths. Vaccinating people to prevent infection is the prevention and resolution of disease outbreaks that are endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO: World Health Organization). Therefore, we offered to be a center for vaccination against COVID-19 from June to August 2021 in order to help the government distribute vaccines to surrounding communities and reduce the impact of the outbreak and infection with the said virus.

Project of Management in Human Resources and Human Rights

The Company has a social responsibility policy that emphasizes respecting human rights and treating workers fairly. This is consistent with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: "UNGPs"). We also place importance on labor practices and respect for human rights with fairness, equality and non-discrimination in terms of employment, compensation, promotion, and employee training and development without distinction of gender, age, educational institution, race and religion. We also support employment for underprivileged groups such as the disabled, the elderly, and the outcast to create opportunities, careers, and stable incomes that is one part of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agreed upon by the international community. In addition, to generate employee engagement, we have set a plan of developing employee engagement by setting the goal of the average employee engagement score which is not less than 90 percent in 2022. Also, there were no complaints arising from human rights violations in any of the issues. or practices that are inconsistent with human rights law.